Made in California

Now Hear Ensemble's premier album, Made in California, is available now on iTunes, CDBaby, and Amazon.

Made in China, Made in California by Carolyn Chen

This album accompanies the Now Hear Ensemble's 2013 "Made in California" project, an exciting collaborative concert series with 11 composers throughout the state of California. Made in California was presented at 7 venues throughout California in the cities of San Diego, Los Angeles, Santa Barbara and in the San Francisco Bay Area.

Track Listing:
Ghost in the Machine // by Dan VanHassel
Harmonic Distances // by Mateo Lugo
A Havoc Wrought // by David Werfelmann
Mobile // by Jon Myers
And After // by Eoin Callery
Punctuations, in/over silence // by Kevin Zhang
Into this Dislocated Assemblage, this Piece of Damaged Geology // by Iván Naranjo
Made in China, Made in California // by Carolyn Chen
A Smaller Moment // by Daniel Miller
Ghost Pepper Eyes // by Nick Norton
Variable Speed Machine // by Todd Lerew

Amanda Kritzberg // clarinet
Joel Hunt // saxophones
Anthony Paul Garcia // percussion
Jonathan Morgan // viola
Federico Llach // double bass

Recorded August 2013 in the Lotte Lehmann Concert Hall at the University of California Santa Barbara.

Recorded by Federico Llach, Fernando Rincón Estrada, Now Hear Ensemble
Artwork: Gaby Goldberg
Mixing and mastering: Felix Cristiani

We would like to thank the following people for making this album possible: Skip Stecker, Patrick Chose, Matt Wright, the UCSB Department of Music, Dallas Mercer, and Jon Nathan.